Mr. Gabriel W. Nah, Jr.


Board Member

Mr. Gabriel W. Nah, Jr. is a Liberian American and a proud son of Grand Kru County.  He is one of the founding members of the Van Community Outreach Board since 2018. Mr. Nah holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Summa Cum Laude) in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh, a Master of Business Administration from University of Maryland University College, Master of Science in Management Information System from Bowie State University, and a Master of Science in Finance from University of Maryland University College.

Mr. Nah is a Senior Federal Grants Management Officer at the United States Department of Health and Human Services. He has over 20 years of federal government experience in grants and financial management. Over his career, he has administered over a billion dollars in federal funds to state, local, and tribal agencies including universities, hospitals, and nonprofits. He believes that now more than any other time in our democracy, there is an urgent need for ethical and moral leadership at all levels of the society and government, especially in the area of social justice and equality.