Upcoming Projects

  • Educational supplies for 4,371 students in the 19 schools in the 4 areas targeted
  • Teaching supplies for the teachers and principals – chalk, blackboard erasers, binders, calculators, folders, etc
  • 4 portable solar panel generators – 1 per library (only gas-powered generators are currently used in these areas)
  • 4 sets of Liberian and West African Standardized Textbooks for students (Nursery to 12th grade) to study for West African Exam Council Testing (W.A.E.C) – 1 per library
  • 12 computers (new/used) – 3 per library
  • 4 printers/copiers (new/used) – 1 per library
  • 8 extra printer ink – 2 per library
  • 8 boxes printer paper – 2 boxes per library
  • 8 more tables and 48 chairs for our 4 libraries.
  • First Aid kits – 1 for each of the 19 schools
  • 16 Soccer balls for recreation – 4 for each library Book Club for recreation
  • Clothing (new/used) for students and teachers
  • Computer Literacy Program for the libraries
  • Home economic class for Barclayville – Requires equipment and supplies for sewing, soap and bread making, tie dying and food preparation
  • Early Childhood Education Program for Barclayville so that children can have fundamental knowledge before starting primary school – Requires  books, chalkboards, crayons, pencils, notebooks, glue, etc.
  • Build a Youth Community Center
  • Medical supplies and equipment shipment for the Rally Time Hospital, Grandcess, Grand Kru County, Liberia.
  • 1 portable Solar panel generator
  • Over the counter medications
  • 10 bags of rice to distribute with the elderly
  • Toiletries for the elderly
  • 12 bags of rice (3 bags for students picnic in each area)
$6,641 of $72,159 raised
  • Goal$72,159
  • Raised$6,641

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